9 Best Famous Lifestyle Blogs & Bloggers to Follow in 2025

The lifestyle blogs are in plenty of amounts, but creating the best lifestyle blogs will help you stand out uniquely from others.

If you want to become the best lifestyle blogger, or else to write successful lifestyle blogs, read the best lifestyle blog examples that will inspire you, and also read about the success story of lifestyle bloggers.

Best lifestyle blogs and bloggers

However, this will help you learn more about lifestyle blogs and also get motivated by it to start your own blog.

There are excellent best lifestyle blogs and bloggers, who are there for you to follow.

In this article, we are providing you the best lifestyle blogs that make you best and also help you get inspired to write the best healthy lifestyle blog.

Those blogs will give us tremendous knowledge about lifestyle blogs, let’s start reading it.

Before entering this session learn how to start a blog and the best WordPress hosting to start your lifestyle blogs.

Why do you need to know about the best lifestyle blogs?

The best examples always give us the best knowledge and also help us learn about new things,

Therefore, these best lifestyle blogs are here to help you and, more certainly, to get rid of your worries.

If you read these best lifestyle blogs, it will motivate you. In the same vein, it allows you to know about lifestyle blogs, and how to start it, and also how to get success from it. In these lifestyle blogs, you will get the best things, where you can make things better in your lifestyle blog, or you will get motivated for starting a lifestyle blog.

To start a lifestyle blog, you will need the best lifestyle blog name ideas list to name your new lifestyle blog.

What is a lifestyle blog?

The lifestyle blog is where we can share our thoughts, actions, experiences, our lifestyle activities, and likewise our own skills with others.

The lifestyle blogs are about fitness, money-saving hacks, Home decor, crafts, cooking, gardening, the travel blog, makeup and so on..

This lifestyle blogging where people can learn about a new life hack, and also improve their knowledge in the blog, & more.

Are you ready to start a lifestyle blog, then look at these amazing lifestyle blog post ideas.

9 best lifestyle blogs

The 9 famous and best lifestyle blogs are bloggers to follow

 They are

  1. Camille’s styles
  2. Sincerely Jules
  3. spinach4breakfast
  4. Barefoot Blonde
  5. Dan flying solo
  6. Gal meets glam
  7. Fall for DIY
  8. Passion is cooking
  9. Huda beauty 

Best blogs about lifestyle

The first and the foremost blogs we are going to to see here is

  1. Camille’s styles: Camille is a founder of the Camilles styles and in this lifestyle blog, she covers the entertaining part, styles, food, design, style, travel, and wellness.
Camille style - best lifestyle blog and blogger

 This lifestyle blog will inspire peoples like you and simultaneously, it helps you lead a healthy life.

In this blog, you will get the best and also healthy lifestyle ideas.

lifestyle blogs to follow

she sells the best books for you, similarly, this blog page has a shop and the tasty recipes for you.

Website Name: camillestyles.com

Founder: Camille styles

Started year:2008

Blogs about: Entertainment, health, recipes, styles, and more.

This Camille’s lifestyle blog explains about living a healthy life and also provides a well-styled blog for us.

2. Sincerely Jules -lifestyle blogger

The sincerely Jules founder is Miss Julie Sarinana, she is a great fashion and style influenced blogger, likewise, her blog is about the stunning styles, fashion,

Most certainly, her audience is highly benefited from her best lifestyle blogs, and also she has the amazing trending styles in her blog.

As a fashion lover, you can grab more and more ideas from this lifestyle blog. She also has a clothing line shop, and she is the creative director of the shop.

Julie believes that when we work hard with the right effort, the success will definitely reach us.

sincerely jules - one of the best lifetyle blogger.

To be the best in lifestyle blog or to get success in any field, the hard work and in contrast, the right time to execute the work is a must, 

In this lifestyle blog, she shares her personal styles, fashion, trendy looks and almost all about the latest trending in clothes, bags, shoes, and so on.

The eye-popping looks for you to make your looks classic and trendy .

The listyle blogger

The Julie follows the motto (dream, believe, achieve, and encourage), this would definitely help you and as well as others.

Website Name: sincerelyjules.com

Founder: Julie Sarinana

Started year: 2009

Blogs about: Fashion trends and styles.

3. Spinach4Breakfast– best bloggers

The Alyssa and maria are the sisters and they are the founder of this spinach4breakfast lifestyle blog.

They give importance to clean eating and as well as healthy living; they use spinach for their breakfast to live a healthy life.

When I read this blog, I really got inspired by their recipes, style, wellness, and so on,

 Spinach4Breakfast - best lifestyle blog to follow. It is run by two lifestyle bloggers

In the same vein, they not only prepare a healthy and delicious recipe in their blog and more about spirituality, baby.

In this lifestyle blog, you can also get non-toxic products, food, and this is the place where you get completely the best healthy ideas for your life.

The pics of two lifestyle bloggers

Read this blog to get more and more inspiring healthy ideas, recipes, and spirituality from these blogs.

Website Name: Spinach4breakfast.com

Founder: Alyssa and maria

Blogs about: The healthy spinach food for their life & more about their lifestyle.

4. Barefoot Blonde -a best lifestyle blog

The barefoot blonde lifestyle blog is run over by Amber Filler up Clark.  

Initially, she started this blog with her different hairstyles, ideas, and daily outfits but now this is grown well.

Now she shares about the beauty, lifestyle, travel, fashion.

Barefoot Blonde - one of the well known beauty lifestyle blog and to be followed by everyone.

Moreover, in this blog she shares the best tutorial for hairstyles, travel tips, style advice for you.

She lives in Arizona with her husband and three kids, and also she has two business about the BFB Hair and Dae hair.

Website Name: Barefoot Blonde.com

Founder: Amber Filler up Clark.  

Blogs about: This lifestyle blog covers hair styles and from travel to fashion.

5. Dan Flying Solo

The Dan flying solo blog is run over by the Daniel and he is an excellent blogger who writes about the travel places.

He gives a useful and also helpful idea about the travelling, similarly; he shares the exciting photographs, yes he has a talented photography skill and also a video grapher.

Dan flying solo - The best lifestyle solo travel blogger to follow

If you are a travel blogger or interested in traveling, you would love this lifestyle blog, and damn your eyes will get the real excitement.

Moreover, his blog is the best inspiration for the peoples who are ready to explore the world.

Website Name:  Dan flying solo.com

Founder: Daniel

Blogs about: This blog is about the travel blog and travel tips and ideas

6. Gal meets glam

Th gal meets glam lifestyle blog founder is julia berolzheimer and I love her blog so much. 

She started her journey as a fashion blogger and expert in beauty and styles, but after a year she started a gal meets glam clothing especially for the women.

Her blog started as a hobby, but now it turned into a business for her. You also love her blog, if you read it once you will love it.

Gal meets glam - The famous lifestyle blog. This blog covers the topic of fashion clothing.

Website Name: gal meets glam

Founder: julia berolzheimer

Started year: 2011

Blogs about: Women fashion clothing

7. Fall for DIY

The Fall for DIY is run over by the Francesca, in this blog she gives us the beautiful and as well as stunning ideas to decorate our homes with the glittering look.

Fall for DIY- the best DIY blog. this blog helps to organize things with DIY.

As we all know that, there are many peoples who don’t have the right idea to make the simple thing into a better one.

Therefore, in her lifestyle blog, she helps us to learn new DIY hacks and more about the decors, and also we can even try it in our homes.

The best lifestyle DIY blog to follow

Making DIY products is depending on our own creativity and the decors hacks, lets learn the best from this.

This home decors and lifestyle blog has so many crafts and ideas for us to get benefited, we can learn it from here.

Website Name: fallfordiy.com

Founder: Francesca

Started year:2013

Blogs about: DIY and home decors

8. Passion is cooking.com

The passion is cooking lifestyle blog founder is Chef Dario Tomaselli & Anita Heidema

This is the lifestyle blog where it tells us about cooking, travel, relationship and more about the health and family.

cooking lifestyle blog to learn

 Moreover, this blog is about to give a meaning to life, where you learn how to live a life, as. As a human we all have responsibilities, but many of us forget how to lead a happy life.

Let start live your life as you wish and bring a change into your boring routine life.

The famous cooking bloggers to follow

The people we see here are Chef and the entrepreneur, these lovely couples bring their minds and heart together and joined to start this lifestyle blog.

They also have an international dinner club, join their club to make your cooking interesting as well as to make the life enthusiastic with your partner.

To know more about them and the dinner club read this lifestyle blog.

Website Name: Passioniscooking.com

Founder: Chef Dario Tomaselli & Anita Heidema

Blogs about: The lifestyle, cooking, relationship, passion and so on..

9. Huda Beauty

The Huda Beauty is run over by the Huda Kettan and this blog is about the beauty and the Make-up.

The founder of Huda beauty believes that the looks and beauty of a girl/woman can change her way, means it gives her courage and no-one can stop her.

The lifestyle blog about beauty

This blog is about the founder story of passion on the beauty and makeup,

In this page, you can get the best and also well tips for your skincare, however, you can also get the quality cosmetics, beauty products from her brand the Huda Beauty.

The women who love or passionate about the classy beauty care and makeup products would love these types of blogs.

One of the best lifestyle bloggers to follow and get fashion tips.

Website Name: Hudabeauty.com

Founder: Huda Kattan

Started year:2010

Blog about: The complete makeup and beauty blogs

In this article, you will get the best lifestyle bloggers, who are expressing their skills, hobbies, passions, talents, creativity in their writings and even helping others to get succeed.

Follow on Instagram

The above mentioned best lifestyle bloggers are also available on Instagram, to know more about their stories, the catchy photographs, the amazing products, and food, so on follow them on Instagram.


Finally, I conclude that, to become a best lifestyle blogger, first learn to explore your hobbies, passion, skills in the right way at the right time.

This article will help you know about the lifestyle blogging and also the best lifestyle bloggers you just need to know in your life to get successful

To make a successful lifestyle blog and likewise to be the best lifestyle blogger, learn more about your passion, skills, field, this all will help you attain success.

Thank you for spending your valuable time with us. If you find this article useful, kindly, share it with others.

If you know any other famous lifestyle bloggers and best lifestyle blogs, comment below so that other readers also know it.

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