Start to writing a personal blog is really an outstanding feel, many people are really interested to write about a personal blog.
If you are ready to start personal blogging, then you need to know some amazing facts.

The personal blog is really a great platform for sharing personal kinds of stuff.
Creating a personal blog post is a simple thing, hastily start exploring your ideas and your own creativity in the personal blog site.
Do you worry about starting a blog and how to write a personal blog post? In contrast, if you are a cool guy who doesn’t know what a personal blog means? Don’t worry, you all can easily creep up with my thoughts.
Personal blogging helps us to get inspiration and motive thoughts that always boost our mind. Here you will get it easily.
From this article, you will get a perfect solution of how to start writing a personal blog and all the essential factors.
Let’s start our enthusiastic session, here it comes. What is a personal blog and How to start a good personal blog post?
Table of Contents
What is a personal blog?
In simple terms, personal blogging is a platform to share about the personal lifestyle, struggles, and own stuff with others at the same time you can also make a bond with the other personal bloggers tuneful like you (like-minded) in the form of a blog.
You can tête-à-tête(personal chat) with them and can make comments for their blog simultaneously, you can make a good bond with your readers and it will even help you enhance your personal blogging.
In personal blogging, people can share anything; it may be their own stuff, wisdom, and even warmth is all up to your own thoughts or personal blog about life. So share what is on your mind effectively but not aggressively.
How Personal blog differs
Personal blogging is really an outstanding thing to do. Why I say this is because it’s all about our own pieces of stuff filled in our minds and hearts. Especially the people use this as a gateway for infusing themselves to others.
In personal blogging, the authors focus on their personal things, it may be their own hobby, own passion, profession, etc…, In contrast to other types of blogging, they write the content according to their reader needs from their point of view.
Few miles about personal blog beginnings
In this modern era, we are living with new enormous technologies, almost all our lives are on a digitized platform.
Now just hark back to the water under the bridge (olden days), the people used to share their innermost feelings and thoughts in the diaries.
On Contrast, this brain wave of diary writing formed a unique platform for personal blogging.
Distinct blogging types
As you know, there are distinct popular blog types like professional blog, business blog, affiliate blogs, personal blogs, niche blogs, etc… but now I Am here to share my knowledge about personal blogging.
Before starting this, make your mind fresh, simultaneously be ready to stockpile your mind with all delicate stuff. This will nurture your brain with fruitful food and make it much healthier.
Many people new to this platform will have this doubt ever. How to start a blog? Simultaneously, how to start writing a personal blog post for free?
Check out our guide — secrets of writing amazing blog posts.
How to start a personal blog
The point of departure matters much for all outlets because the initial points will track you to the right place.
For instance: Marketing people always need to choose the right place for investing, if they don’t, then they will end up in failure.
Likewise, for the blogging platform, the hosting and domain are the start of the art.
Hosting: In simple terms, hosting is the place where your website is stored in a web server, and it allows you to post the blog on the internet, simultaneously it provides the services needed for the website.
Domain: The domain is like your identity, it defines your blog name, therefore, embraces the best name.
The host and domain are important factors for personal bloggers. Therefore, create a personal blog site with the perfect domain and hosting.
How to choose a domain, hosting for a personal blog, and how to start a perfect blog.
Hosting for personal blogs
On a hosting platform, there are both free hosting providers, and paid hosting providers are available for you.
Some platforms offer you to write your personal blog for free.
Popular website and platform to start writing personal blogs
There are many popular blogging sites are available, the best blog sites (mostly free) are
- WordPress
- Tumblr
Word Press for a personal blog site
WordPress offers you both a free and paid version. If you need any advanced features, then you can approach the paid version.
The Word press has a great option for users. Simultaneously, it also has personal blog WordPress themes for users and you can use them for your blog site.
See our exclusive comparison between and
WordPress has enormous plugins for users. WordPress has many best plugins to increase your productivity.
Blogger. Com
The provides a great resource to beginner bloggers and you can easily sign up using the Google account, and it’s felicitous for personal bloggers and hobby bloggers.
It has limited features for the site, but it gives you a free domain and themes to build a website, so you need not spend cost in creating a website on
It allows users to post content in a short-form blog. Tumblr is a free source. You will sign up for Tumblr using your Google account. In contrast, it has a limited free feature. gives you free different templates, the mini-budget business can approach this, but once you chose your template, then you cannot easily migrate to other templates. Similarly, it also has limited features.
Create a personal blog website, create the name for a personal blog, and explore the personal blog sites. With less than a dollar per month, you can get their premium plans.
Preparation of starting Personal blog
How to plan for starting a personal blog?
The following essence will help you start an excellent personal blog and the personal blog post ideas are here for you.
Make a budget for your personal blog
You can also start your blog free, but if you have some dollars to spend. Then invest it in the right domain. Hosting and themes can be changed later, but the domain name is your identity.
From $5 you can buy top-level domains for a year.
Create yourself as a brand of your blog
Your blog itself is a brand, so focus on the colors, designs, and all the essential factors that will promote your blog.
In personal blogs, make your face as a brand. More than people seeing your personal blog site logo, make your face to people see often.
If you are showing your face in blogs, then it creates more trust. People are visually more attracted towards the living things.
You can also be seen that most of the personal bloggers have their images on blogs featured images.
You can use your image in the sidebar or top or bottom of the blog post as an author. It looks like you are really talking to them.
Then whenever repeatedly visitors came into your blogs, their minds automatically fix your image as a brand.
For example – Neil Patel is one of the famous bloggers. He is a blogger and seo expert. Whenever you visit his website for blog reading, you often see his images in the blog’s sidebar, homepages, regular YouTube videos, and in the keyword research tools.
After a certain time, whenever we say, his image comes into the mind.
So become yourself as a brand.
Open people’s mind with your personal blog
The key is the only source to open the lock, so use personal blogging as a tool to open your thoughts in mind. Therefore, search for the right keywords that suit the audience’s expectations to get ranking in search engines.
Choose the niche for the personal blog site
There are some personal blog topics for you
Make a plan whether you want to be in the limelight or grim light. There are many famous blog niches available like
- health and fitness
- Cooking and food
- Gardening
- Travel stories
- Beauty products
- Lifehacks
- Fashion and lifestyle
- Personal development
- Home organizing
- Parenting
The personal blog topics are the name of the game, So choose the best personal blog topic which would drive your future.
Be the best personal blog example
Make an identity for your content, it should grab the eyes of the audience and dragoon them to read your content. Avoid common mistakes like grammar, punctuation, and so on.
Add the pure caramel to make a sweet candy. Stand unique and enhance your quality better.
Make your blog with the right lengthy content
Your blog content needs to be in enough length as per title requirements, and it should furnish enough taste while reading it.
Make your content as an interesting spice so that the readers will like your content more.
It is not a rule that every blog post should need to be in long-form. So make it simple to express your thoughts.
Design a quality personal blog content
The blog should always grab the eyes of readers and it should fork out the readers to your content, the only way to do that is to add some quality pics, screenshots, GIF, and quality content. Simultaneously, this will blow up your personal blog post site.
Set up a systematic flow to your blog
Post your blog consistently, set up systematic packs whether it could be in even or odd days, or once in a week/month or days a week it’s up to you, but don’t miss the flow of consistency.
When you follow the consistency, thus your personal blog will hitch on the lap of luxury.
How frequently should I need to blog, to become a successful blogger
What are the topics I Can write in my personal blog
Now you are ready to start a blog, but no idea about how to write & what to write on a personal blog?
As I mentioned earlier, the personal blog is all about your own ideas and your own graphics.
What to write in a personal blog post
Blog your Personal hobby
You can write about your pleasurable pastime /leisure activity here, make your hobby into a blog.
The hobby is a thing that you would like more, and you feel on cloud nine when you write this topic as a blog with your heart.
For example – if you love to cook, then write about the dishes that you cook. Similarly, it could be anything like photography, gardening skills, travel diaries, and many more.
Blog your Passion
The passionate things are moreover wonderful fortune, like your hobby.
The passion is what you love to act in your own way. Similarly, the savor which comes when you do your fascination is just amazing.
If you knock out content on what you are passionate about, it will build a Long track for you to travel, unless you quit.
You can also write a personal blog about life.
For instance: If you are a talented photographer and you are crazy about your passion, you can teach people through your blog.
All people in the world have a unique talent and are well known in any of the domains, So choose the best and pursue it.
Personal blog – a bonding Creator
This term bonding relates to relationships, friendship, etc.. All cling with one root which is the human heart.
On this topic, you can write about infinity articles. After that, you can jerry-built a sticky bond with the people online.
How will a personal blog become successful?
- Do blogging in long run – the success of blogging happens in as much as you are doing. Blogging is not a quick money making way. Instead, if you do it consistently it yields you better.
The bloggers who started blogging before 5 to 10 years are now experts and powerful influencers in their field. Do blog consistently, you can create a better loyal community.
- Adapt your blogs to trends – whenever you do something for a long time, it needs to be adapted and changed to regular updates in their field.
Have you been thinking about the successful bloggers who started blogging before 7 years are now following the same procedures that they used in initial stages?
Absolutely not.
Adapt to the search engine procedures and peoples mindset. Bloggers always have to keep the fresh stuff.
- Attachment with your audience – here the real difference comes between personal blogs and product blogs. Normally blogging companies have a huge audience for selling their products, but personal bloggers create audiences through their attachment, craving perfect stories for their audience and keep them engaged with the blog.
The famous bloggers mostly have many comments and social shares, it’s because of their attachment with the audience and answering for their pain points.
When will success reach you?
Make a friendly base with your like-minded people and tickle pink the audience with your content.
The underpinning of blogging is the audience, so be conscious about your traffic.
Make the blog that should feed the fire to others so that more people will like to read your blog. So you can rack up more traffic.
Choose the perfect niche and hosting for your blog. When all stumble up in the right way, then you will create a success story.
How to make money from a personal blog?
Creating a blog alone will not draw you success, the promoting blog in social media will help you get into more traffic and tear off money in blogging.
To make money from personal blogging, you can monetize your blog in affiliate marketing, run ads, consulting, and many more.
The famous niches also will bring you pennies from heaven, the famous niches of personal blogs are fitness, food, your life, beauty products, sports, business, cooking, pets, and gardening, etc…
What are the benefits of personal blogging?
The days are alone, not just passing; the time is running out. In contrast, we all are living in a world where there is no way to share what we have in mind.
The benefits of personal blogging will help us share what we have in our minds, and it will bring an enormous audience to read the things you are doing.
Six personal benefits of blogging
- Place to share – you can share your thoughts and creativity. If you are really a creative people and want to show your talents to the world, then blogging is the best place.
- Gain more knowledge – when you do, blogging, you will learn about unknown concepts. Blogging is just not only about writing, more than that how efficiently you are maintaining your website, productivity, getting attached to the readers.
- Adopt new skills – you will improve your existing skills and adopt new skills.
- Meet like-minded people – you will meet many enthusiastic people in your field. Sometimes you can get many international friends through blogging.
- Make your own brand – you can make a new brand or promote your existing brand here. You can also become a powerful influencer in your field.
- Money through passion – I must definitely say this, there is a large scope in making money through blogging. If you have 1000 trusted readers to your blog, then you can make more than your full-time job.
Personal blogging is the passport to enter an unknown country, just start with joy and give a solution to other problems via your personal blog. Let your content/blog post be a medicine to the patients.
Personal blog help to share thoughts
The personal blog helps the people are in the shattering nerves. Who is suffering from knowing the solution to their problems? Simultaneously, it is a great shake to light upon yourself, so roll the dice and try to know your hidden side.
Gain more knowledge
The person who blogs will do deeper research always, they blush up in all divergent spots; likewise, they crack almost all the sources to get their knowledge about their matter in hand. So learn a fresh wave.
Adopt a new skill
To make your blog successful, the grass-root you need is good writing skills and communication skills, because communication is the only way to make a plain-spoken bond with the readers.
Crack the books on how to write a personal blog. As the days go on, you can easily improve your writing skills. Even you can learn about yourself.
Meet like-minded people
Jack up a friend circle for you, in this platform you are able to meet like-minded people, and you would interconnect with the new peoples here therefore you can make a new circle online.
Make your own brand
Personal blogging is a glorious gift for people like you because you can brand your own products here, you can easily explore in your blogs.
You can also take this as a splendid chance to build your blog to the next great extent.
Make money through blogging
Once you started getting traffic, you can approach the affiliate links and start promoting ads on your page. This will lead your blog to earn money from it and build traffic for your site.
For example, if you are running a personal blog on cooking, then you can promote the cooking appliances that you are using through your affiliate links.
Start blogs for affiliate marketing, that drives you passive income in the long run.
Who are the successful personal bloggers?
There are many successful blogs and bloggers who started their careers in blogging and being the perfect role models for you. Make a wonderful spirit from them.
The windfall mainly depends on the bond you create with your fellow writers who show the same interest, so engage with them (personal fellow bloggers) it leads you to build your blog house stronger than ever.
Checkout top paid bloggers in the world.
Popular personal blog sites
The following personal blog post sites which are few famous popular personal blogs
Earlier I said that personal blogs are about your own thoughts, own stuff, likewise, you can blog about anything like your hobby, passion, cooking, travel log, etc..
The famous personal blog post examples
- This personal blog site is a, and it is running by Lindsay. She inspired the visitors via her healthier recipes, the healthy foods always have a certain lover.
She cooked a lot of recipes and experiments for her visitors, moreover; In her blog, she is providing enormous sources to a million people via her cooking blog.
- The next personal site is and the founder of the website is Nomadic Matt. He is a great traveler, and he is sharing his traveling experience through his blog. Likewise, he is giving a traveling tip on how to reduce our travel expenses. As we discussed earlier, he has been over 12 years in the field and now one of the leaders in the travel blog.
- The next blog post site is, and the founder is Abby Lawson, in her blog she shares about decoration, organizing, and blogging. Simultaneously, she provides a lot of fresh ideas about these categories.
How to write a personal blog on Instagram
Why don’t you of linking your personal blog on Instagram?
Instagram is also an effective source for bloggers to reach their audience.
People share personal experiences about life, personal hurdles, personal hobbies. In certain, it’s all about individual thoughts and actions.
When they share these types of content in a personal blog post, they can gradually attain the traffic.
You can share your own photographs and own brand, similarly, add some personal stories about your experience, it will help you attain growth.
It helps the unknown visitors to know about you and your site.
Make your bio with the perfect name, certainly add interesting content on the page, and link other social media in the bio.
Some related question to start personal blogging
Yes, there is more possibility of making money from a personal blog, once you increase your quality of the blogs, then you can apply for the Adsense and can monetize your blog in many ways.
The personal blog is one of the blogging types which is used to share the individual thoughts, ideas, concepts to others online and it is the concept of the ancient diary writing but here you will pull it off online.
The personal thoughts, experience, knowledge about your life, or it could be a hobby, or sport, or health benefits, it’s up to you.
Is blogging suitable for everyone, check out why you should and shouldn’t start to blog.
Grooming a new community
Establishing an online platform
Grow audience
To introduce yourselves to the new campaign
To stand unique from others
Blogger. Com
Word and are popular open-source software and you can blow the lid off your own website easily, so start a profitable free blog.
WordPress site creation cost is very less($10). You can easily adapt this to your blog. WordPress is the best for launching your site.
By domain and hosting for your blog
Sift out the perfect niche
choose the right platform to enhance
Do complete research about the topic and competitors in your niche.
Stick to the deadlines, to increase productivity.
Read our secret guide to writing a perfect blog for beginners.
From this article, you may learn about personal blogging and the benefits of start writing a personal blog.
I hope this article will be helpful for you to become successful in your domain.
If you find any topics are being missed, kindly intimate us in the comment box.
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