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InfinityFree review – Free Web Hosting with Better performance

Are you looking for completely free web hosting for your WordPress hosting? Then InfinityFree is the best free web hosting for everyone.

Here is a complete InfinityFree review. 

I have been using the InfinityFree hosting for the past two months. Here is my complete InfinityFree hosting review.

InfinityFree Hosting Review

When starting a website, buying a domain and hosting is the major investment for starting a website. But many beginners don’t want to spend money on web hosting.

Read – Cost of creating a WordPress website

So if you also don’t want to invest in creating a website, then InfinityFree web hosting can be your choice.

It provides a free hosting to popular content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and some others. If you are using it for WordPress, then be clear between the two types of WordPress.

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org. Yes, there are two different WordPress available. 

WordPress.com is free, which is completely managed by WordPress. But for here, we are only using WordPress.org, which is a self-hosted WordPress. You can host this on any web hosting provider.

Okay, let’s get into the InfinityFree Web hosting review.

InfinityFree Hosting review

There are many free hosting providers available online. But this InfinityFree hosting provides unlimited free hosting.

It provides you unlimited disk space and bandwidth for free. So this Unlimited disk space makes it one of the best free web hosting providers.

It is also loaded with every important thing to get your website to online and run it perfectly.

InfinityFree features

There are many web hosting companies, which initially hosted for free. Then later they charge an amount for the resources you have been using.

But InfinityFree hosting gives completely free hosting with unlimited disk space and bandwidth. You can use it for free as long as you are using it. 

InifnityFree Hosting features

But to be frank, there is nothing called unlimited in any hosting resources. But it has some flexibility.

Whenever a hosting company is providing unlimited free disk space or bandwidth then it will have certain restrictions.

It is also giving you a free subdomain from 25 different extensions. If you don’t want your own domain, then use these free subdomains for your learning purposes.

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This hosting company is also having premium plans for hosting, but now we are only focusing on their free plan.

Ease Of Use

Infinity Hosting provides a simple to use control panel and Softaculous installer to install your CMS software. It allows you to install over 400+ applications easily.

InifnityFree Dashboard - Control Panel

Their cPanel looks neat and you can easily navigate to the options you need. Their control panel has ads running in between. 

Ads are the major income for InfinityFree hosting. So can accept ads on both their official website and control panel.

But the ads don’t annoy you. 

It doesn’t show ads on their customer’s website, which is pretty good. 

You can easily access other options like FTP, SSL, domain, parked domain, and many others.


As we suggested earlier, InfinityFree is a completely free hosting for your life. 

But they also have two premium hosting plans. The two premium plans are Super Premium and Ultimate Premium.

The super-premium costs $3.99/month and the Ultimate premium cost $6.90/month.

But here we are only focusing on their completely free hosting plan.


It doesn’t have any direct support to its customers. Already it is not making any money from its users. So they can’t be able to provide you any direct support like chat, phone, and email.

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But it comes with a knowledge base and support forum. Their Knowledge base is filled with many questions that are neatly answered. More than that they also have a forum.

Their knowledge base is pretty impressive and most of their questions are neatly answered.

Speed and Performance

Speed and Performance are one of the main aspects that determine the quality of the hosting.

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I have been using this hosting for the past two months for testing purposes with a free domain. As far as I have seen, it gives a pretty decent performance.

I have also tested InfinityFree hosting performance. 

I have got a free subdomain from InfinityFree hosting and installed WordPress. For caching purposes, I have used the Litespeed cache plugin.

I have tested my website performance using 3 different tools. The speed testing tools are GT Metrix, Google Page Speed, and Pingdom tool.

GT Metrix:

InfinityFree Hosting Performance - GT Metrix speed test

Google Page Speed:

InfinityFree Hosting - Google page speed test

Pingdom Tools:

InfinityFree Hosting - Pingdom Speed test

As you can see on the above performance test results, it gave impressive test results. I’m also quite shocked by the performance of this InfinityFree web hosting.

So the InfinityFree web hosting gives decent performance to their users.

InfinityFree Pros and Cons


  • Completely free web hosting
  • Unlimited Disk space and bandwidth
  • Free subdomain to use
  • You can from over 400+ applications and CMS
  • 400 MySQL databases
  • No ads on the customer’s website
  • Free SSL certificate


  • Slow response when multiple things processed
  • No direct customer support

Final Verdict: InfinityFree Hosting

This InfinityFree hosting is not suitable for professional websites.

If you want a website, just for learning purposes then InfinityFree is good. Creating a small company website with a few pages is okay.

But if you want to start a professional website now and take it as a large website, then you should consider using other, better hosting.

If you are using the website to make money, then this hosting is definitely not suitable.

If you are on a very low budget, then go with cheap hosting providers like Hostinger. With less than $1 per month, you will get standard hosting.

The hosting can be changed later, but you get your domain when starting a website. The InfinityFree gives you a free subdomain, but it doesn’t look neat, and also it is not yours.

So you should buy a domain separately from any domain registrars like Bluehost, Hostinger, and Godaddy. Then later also you can migrate your website to better hosting providers.

This free hosting also has a slow response time on your backend. If you are executing multiple processes at the same time, then it shows an error.

So, it wastes your time. 

Finally, InfinityFree is just only for students or hobbyists, who just want to create and learn how to manage websites.

InfinityFree alternatives

There are many cheap hosting providers available. So, you can get those at a very affordable price.

The list of best budget-friendly InfinityFree Alternatives for websites.

  • Hostinger – It is a cheap web hosting provider for beginners. It provides better-optimized speed with SSD storage.
  • Bluehost – It is a WordPress recommended hosting provider. It also provides free domain and SSL.
  • A2 Hosting – If you want turbo-speed servers, then A2 Hosting is the best. It gives the best performance.
  • GreenGeeks – It is a more affordable hosting with every feature included. It is packed with all the important aspects that every professional website needs at an affordable price.

FAQ on InfinityFree Hosting

Is InfinityFree completely free?

Yes, it provides complete free web hosting for everyone. On their free web hosting, it gives unlimited storage space and unlimited bandwidth.

It allows you to install over 400+ applications. You will also get a free SSL certificate and better uptime.

What is InfinityFree?

InfinityFree is a free web hosting provider for everyone. It gives unlimited disk space and bandwidth. But you should not expect much better performance and quality.

Even Though it gives unlimited resources, they have many limits on program executions and high intense usages. But it is one of the best free hosting providers for websites. 

Can I use WordPress on InfinityFree?

Yes, you can easily install WordPress on InfinityFree and use it. With their softaculous installer, you can install over 400+ applications and CMS software.

With their control panel, you can also manage your WordPress site.

Does InfinityFree provide a Free domain?

It doesn’t provide you with a new free domain. But you will get a free subdomain from 25 different extensions. So you can use their free subdomain to create your website.


I hope this InfinityFree review helps to choose whether this hosting is suitable for you or not.

If you found this InfinityFree review useful, kindly share it. If you still have any doubt about this Hosting, then comment below.

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