Are you looking for a list of lifestyle blog categories? Then you are in the right place. You can buy a domain and hosting to start your blogging site on these lifestyle categories from any WordPress hosting company

Lifestyle blogs are one of the famous blog categories, where there are so many successful bloggers who are writing about their lifestyles.
>> Read – How to start a Lifestyle website (Simple steps)
If you are new to lifestyle blogging, then you are eager to know about lifestyle blogging and there, then read this article completely.
There are different lifestyle blog categories where you can write about the lifestyle. Many famous lifestyle blogs and bloggers are there, but each blogging categories differ from the others.
Lifestyle blogging is a wider topic to be covered. So you have a select a specific topic in it, to become more successful. So we have divided and made a list of lifestyle blog categories you can choose from to pick your best.
>> Read – 250+ Lifestyle blog post Ideas to write
While certain types of lifestyle bloggers write about side-hustle and some may write about fashion, so it may differ.
If you are new to lifestyle blogging, then you can get more benefits here. If you are not a lifestyle blogger, then look at our previous blog to choose a blog name from amazing lifestyle blog name ideas.
However, it is important to know what is a lifestyle blog?
What is a Lifestyle blog?
The Lifestyle blog is all about sharing your daily activities, interest, and experiences with people.
It is not like online diary writing, lifestyle blog writing is one way to share your life hacks, skills online.
Personal blog vs lifestyle blog
Moreover, there is a big confusion occurring among people that is nothing but the difference between the lifestyle blog vs personal blog.
Many think the lifestyle blog and the personal blog both are the same.
Let see, what is your opinion, will you think lifestyle blog and personal blog are like each other?
If your answer is yes, you are wrong, because personal blogs and lifestyle blogs are not the same.
The personal blog is about sharing your personal story, personal experience with people, and connecting with the audience emotionally.
For instance: you may see some blogs have the author’s story struggles, or something more like personal stories.
This is almost like storytelling to the visitors and connecting with them through their words.
For example,
The Financial Diet
The Financial Diet founded by Chelsea Fagan, and she started this blog is in the year 2014.
It tells about the tips and advice about the financial and also has a guide on how to make money and more about finance.
Not only this blog tells about the financial status, but it also tells about the advice for lifestyle.
You can also learn about money management, career & education, living, food, and more.
Moreover, this is a personal blog that covers multiple topics and being as the best lifestyle blog among the top-down category list.
This blog will give you knowledge about the personal blog.
In contrast, the lifestyle blog is where the people share their interests, daily activities, experiences with the audience via their blog posts.
So you should be clear on the point that both the lifestyle blog and the personal blog are not similar to each other.
Do you know there are varieties of blog posts and contents are there in the blogging domain?
Now the growth of blogging is at its peak, there are more than millions of blog posts are published daily.
If you are new to blogging, you can choose a niche based on your skills, or else you can write what you need to write about.
The only thing you need to keep in mind is bringing the quality blog posts and it should attract your audience.
Read – How to Start a personal blog
Are you a lifestyle blogger, then you need to know the varieties of lifestyle blog categories list?
Lifestyle blog categories list
There are distinct types of lifestyle blog categories list are there, you can also write a blog on these types of blog categories.
In lifestyle blogging, you can write about your interest like food, fashion, cute life hacks, and the list go on.
This is the platform for you to showcase your knowledge and talent to the people, and as well you can grow your products.
Let’s see the different kinds of lifestyle blog categories list.
They are
- Cooking and recipes
- Beauty hacks
- Relationships
- Gardening
- Health and Fitness
- Lifestyle hacks
- Fashion and trends
- Mom’s blog
- Parenting
- Personal care
- Travel
- Food and reviews
- DIY &Crafts
- Home decors
- Finances (money-making)
- Men’s blog
Let’s look at the individual lifestyle blog categories list.
Explaining every lifestyle categories list
1.Cooking and recipes blog
The first lifestyle blog category list we are going to discuss is cooking and recipes.
If you are a lifestyle blogger, who is interested in cooking and do excellent recipes, then you can choose this cooking lifestyle blog category.
The cooking and recipes are the blogs where you can write about the favorite recipes and newly discovered dishes.
In the cooking lifestyle blog categories, you can also write about the tips and ideas to make yummy dishes for the audience.
However, you can also give your audience an excellent guide to make recipes quicker and faster.
This will be helpful for you to connect with your audience, and also in these cooking lifestyle blogs, you can prepare healthy dishes and make your blog unique.
The healthy recipes are liked by many people, so if you teach them the excellent dishes, it would be more beneficial for them as well for you.
Make your stunning dishes and add the photos on your blog posts, because this would attract more peoples.
Your lifestyle blog post should pop the audience’s eyes. This would help the growth of your blog.
Most certainly, if you are a cooking lover and more passionate about cooking, then this cooking lifestyle blog category is the best.
You can also share the cooking recipes and your lifestyle together with the people. This would make your blog post more interesting.
There are so many lifestyle bloggers who talk about their living, cooking, lifestyle all together with the people.
You can also write about the best kitchen tools, which are new to the cooking field, and write about the one tool that helps you more in cooking, and also this will improve your blog.
Try to write fresh and unique things for your audience and attract them with your recipes.
2. Beauty hacks
The next lifestyle blog category in the list talks about beauty and makeup tips for women.
If you like writing about beauty hacks or do you love being a beauty, then this is for you.
Then this lifestyle blog category is completely for the beauty freaks and beauty lovers.
There are so many beauty bloggers are there, and these types of blogs are liked by mostly girls and women.
The response for the beauty tips and makeup hacks are just tremendous, you cannot just say in a word.
Mostly many women are beauty conscious, they always need the best to show them more beautiful.
In the market, the availability of make-up products and brands are countless, and the love for beauty products among women is so high.
There are so many famous brands and many girls like it, so if you are a lifestyle blogger, and also interested to share beauty hacks, then you can start writing it.
You can write about the small cute hacks that would help the women to do their makeup quickly.
Likewise, you can also talk about the best makeup products and the reviews of those products.
Moreover, you can also share the tutorials of makeup for the audience.
After that, you can also talk about healthy beauty tips for glowing skin, facial care, and something related to your niche.
Write about the beauty tips and your lifestyle activities together in your blog posts.
If you are having your makeup products and shopping store, tell your audience about that.
This will make your blog grow high and reach the maximum number of audience
3. Relationship
The next lifestyle blog categories list is about the relationship and bonding with our loved ones.
In my opinion, the relationship is always the best thing, good bonding, and managing the relationship in the correct proportion is essential for every person to lead a happy life.
The relationship may be a bond with the family, your hubby, your children, friends, and anything.
Anyhow, the relationship is more important, and certainly, making the right bond with the right people is more important.
Then you can share the experience about the relationships with the people.
In this lifestyle category blog, you can write about the value of relationships and the importance of bonding.
You can also write about your family bonding as an example to others and also blog about the bonding with your lovely friends.
Likewise, write about how to maintain a healthy relationship and how to make it lasting ever.
Why not, you can share about the lovable bond, and what are the things you should do for blossoming your love?
You can give the audience the tips and perks about the lifestyle & relationships together in your lifestyle blog relationship category.
In my opinion, it is one of the best categories in the lifestyle blog list.
4. Gardening
The next lifestyle blog category list we are going to see about is gardening.
How many of you love nature, almost every one of us, we know the value of nature but still, we are destroying the plants and lands.
One way to bring back the beautiful environment is in the hands of gardening.
If you are a blogger who loves to do things like planting, growing trees, and this platform is for you.
If you are passionate about gardening, then you can share the gardening hacks like how to make a garden.
Do you have your garden, you can share pictures of your gardening and tips to maintain it.
You can also share about the plants you are growing in the garden, therefore write a detailed blog about that.
In case if you are ready to do videos about how to shape the garden and all those things, then this video will help the audience get visual learning from your blog posts. Try to place effective photos/pictures on your blog posts.
You can write about the best gardening tools for cutting the extra leaves and something useful for gardening.
Share the simple ideas to make the stunning look for the gardens and more like that.
It’s all about your own ideas skills about gardening, so share and write more on blogs to make it more useful to the audience.
This blog category also best to share your gardening skills with the audience.
5. Health and fitness
Health and fitness are the most interesting topic, where people are longing for the best material to make them fit and healthy.
This is also one of the best lifestyle blog categories in the list and has more to write and learn.
A healthy life is possible when you maintain your body’s health consistently, therefore a healthy life is important.
If you are good at health and fitness, then you can educate people with healthy exercises and tips.
You can write about the daily exercises, to live a healthy life, and to make the body fit and slim.
Some peoples wish to make their body slim and fit, therefore you can give them the best tips to lead a healthy life.
You can prepare a daily schedule and exercise for the peoples and also write about that in your blog post.
You can list the healthy diet and the nutrients contents to keep the health and the body fit and as well as perfect.
If you know about yoga, then teach your audience about healthy asanas & exercises, so it will be helpful for them.
There are so many health and fitness blogs are there, the competition for the health and fitness blog is also high.
Share the people about the tools that help for doing exercises and burning out fat and to keep a healthy body.
This lifestyle blog category will help you to stand out in your niche.
6. Lifestyle hacks
The lifestyle hacks are the most interesting topic because it’s all about your hacks and tricks you do in your daily life.
This seems funny sometimes but helps you most of the time, so share your life hacks with people.
Start writing the exciting hacks to your visitors and it will also be helpful for them.
In simple words, the lifestyle hacks may be the small cute tricks and shortcuts to make things easier.
7. Fashion and trends
Fashion and trends are always trending topics because fashion is loved by all the people.
If you are a fashion designer, then you will know the latest trends and looks. The outlook of a person is very important.
The outlook tells about the personality of a person, so you will get a good response.
Moreover, this is the right place to showcase your talent, explore your design clothes, look to the audience.
You can show your design looks to the audience, so this will be useful for them.
Otherwise, they also learn fashion trends and more about fashion. This will help the people learn how to dress up and how their outlook needs to be shown out.
Do you know the value of a style?
“Style reflects your attitude and your personality”
–Shawn Ashmore
You will get more topics to write about fashion trends like shoes, clothes, coolers and more.
Therefore, this lifestyle blog category is always booming and this niche will help you good.
8. Mom’s blog
The mom’s lifestyle blog category is all about the mom’s related things and motherhood is a special thing for the women.
In this Mom’s lifestyle blog category we can see about motherhood, babies care, lifestyle, and more.
It is the blog that anyone can learn more about the Mother’s love and motherhood.
“Mother- That was the bank where we deposit all our hurts and worries”
-T. Dewitt Talmage
9. Parenting
Parenting is about growing children in the right way and also taking care of them because it is very important in parenting.
This parenting lifestyle blog category helps the parents on taking care of their children.
Likewise, this blog covers more topics about parenting and how they need to live for their child.
You not only share your ideas and opinions in the blog, but you can also ask other parents to ask their opinions to make it a successful blog.
The important thing here is that, if you are a parent, then it’s your duty to be helpful for your child to choose which is right and wrong. So these mom blogs will be helpful.
10. Personal care
The next lifestyle blog categories list tells about personal care, personal care is very important.
This is the blog to write about personal hygiene, skincare, how to relax, and more.
Likewise, in this type of blog, you can also write about personal care, even body care, and more.
If you are interested in writing about self-care like how to reduce stress and how to lead a happy life and related content.
some tips for personal hygiene, how to make our health and mind in a fit state.
Write down the topics related to personal care.
11. Travel
The travel blogs are the place, that we get ideas about traveling. In these travel blogs, we can get the experience from the travel bloggers.
In these travel blogs, we can also get the details about the traveling expenses, food, and lifestyle of a particular place. Traveling is also a part of the lifestyle.
Prior knowledge about the unknown place will be more helpful when you plan to go there.
This travel blog category is very useful to share ideas, knowledge, experience about traveling with people in the form of exciting pictures, videos, and words.
If you love traveling, then you will probably love these types of blogs.
This travel blog is mostly about sharing travel visits, experience, and helping as a guide to the peoples.
So start your travel lifestyle blogs and share your experience with the visitors and grow yourself and site as well.
12. Food
Are you a food lover, then this lifestyle blog category is for you because all love food?
All people don’t love the same type of foods, there are varieties of food for different occasions are there in the world, every food varies from country to country.
If you are interested to write about food and reviews, you can start your blog, start to share your favorite food, restaurant, and which country food you love, and more.
The food blogs contain various food dishes, you can talk about your tasty food and which types of food you love and also share about the reviews of the food.
As you know the love for food among the audience never fades, there are different types of calories, nutrients, vitamins are present in each food we eat.
You can talk about that, so writing about what we love is always brings joy.
13. DIY and crafts
The DIY and the crafts blogs are the way of representing skills and showing your creativity to others.
The DIY and crafts blogs are more and likewise the plenty of ideas also there for visitors, so learning the crafts is easy nowadays.
If you do crafting and have skills in Crafts, then you can show your craft ideas and tips to the people in the form of your blogs.
The making of DIY & crafts are loved by many people, they love those cute little things.
14. Home Decors
This lifestyle blog category tells about the decors that give our home a new trendy look.
The home decors are more useful for those who find it difficult in organizing things and more.
Home decors are where you can get the best ideas for interior designs, or else how to make your home look good.
The home decors cover more topics like decorating and furnishing and more related to these.
Even you can make money decor, from these blogs, by selling your home decors to the people.
If you have more skills about these home decors, then you can start writing the best ideas and tips in the form of articles to the people.
Make your lifestyle blogs and this also is the best category to choose.
15. Financial blogs
The financial blogs are more and more useful for all the people to manage the money, because if we know the way to make money from blogging.
This is will be great for us to get success in life and well as to grow ourselves to the next stage of success.
The financial blogs tell about the people on how to make money and how effectively you can spend it.
From the word financial itself you will come to know the effective usage of money.
16. Men’s blog
The last topic in the list of lifestyle blog categories list is Men’s blog
The men’s blog, yes it is especially for men, and this lifestyle blog category is completely for him.
In this blog, they can get things all for the men, there also manliness things.
From the men’s blog you can get the men lifestyle things, fashion suits, coolers, shoes, and more and more.
It is full of men’s things like about their health, style, outlooks, the fashion land, the journal all about Manliness.
If you are interested, you can write anything about men related topics and useful tips for them. When it comes to lifestyle, most everyone thinks about the woman. So, you can start writing blogs related to men.
Even you can write about the trendy styles for them, the blog about shoes, and more.
This lifestyle blog category will give you a great response from the audience.
“A man is what he believes”
-Anton Chekhov
Examples for Lifestyle blog category list
To understand more about the lifestyle blog category list topics, these 5 examples will give you knowledge about the lifestyle blog category list.
The first example of the lifestyle blog category list is Wit and delight.

Wit And Delight were founded by the kate Arends and started in the year 2014.
This is a lifestyle blog that tells about fashion, motherhood, the decors, styles.
They write blogs based on their own experiences and skills; they give us the best tips.
Wit And delight have a shop called W&D shop, where you can buy their products

The Camille styles blog is a lifestyle blog, it tells about food, design, style, travel, wellness, and entertainment.
Camille styles are founded by Camille and her passion is to inspire others and help them live a happy and healthy life.
This Camille Styles also has the shop to buy their products and also they have the recipes on different varieties.
The recipes like Dessert, healthy foods, holiday foods, Mexican, and more.
When you see this blog, you will love it and you will start following it.

The next lifestyle blog is, and it is run over by Gwyneth Paltrow. First, it was started as a newsletter, but later has grown higher.
On you can see a blog about beauty, food & home, Style, travel, wellness, and this site also has a shop called goop. says that their beauty products need to be non- toxic to the customers, so they do clinical testing to prove it.
Moreover, they provide the best beauty products and also make your line of glow-inducing skincare.

The Blissful gal lifestyle blog founder is Amanda, who is a woman lifestyle blogger.
This lifestyle blog tells about fashion, lifestyle, beauty, self-improvement and this blog’s motive is to support women and to bring them up.
Likewise, this lifestyle blog is to inspire people and to make them happy with their content.
This blog also has shops where you can buy skincare makeup products.
5. Cup of Jo

A cup of Jo founder is Joanna Goddard, she is a mom blogger, and this blog is started in the year 2007.
The Cup of Jo is a blog that I mentioned in my many lifestyle blog posts.
This Cup of Jo is a blog where you can learn about the lifestyle, parenthood, and more ideas about it.
Moreover, you will also learn about fashion style, food, travel, relationships, and motherhood.
She also has her shop where you will get clothes, accessories, books and more.
When you read this blog, you will definitely love it, I guess, and most importantly this is a daily lifestyle for women.
These are some lifestyle blogs and also the best way to get an idea about the lifestyle blog.
Read our article to know about the famous lifestyle blogs & bloggers to follow.
And also in our article, we are providing the 121 Amazing lifestyle blog name ideas list + availability checked to start a new lifestyle blog.
The above-discussed lifestyle blog categories are just a sample to show you how many lists of different categories available in lifestyle blogs.
The above-shown instances on lifestyle blog categories are the lifestyle bloggers and as well as the top earners.
If you read this type of lifestyle blog category, you will get inspiration.
This will help you get more and more knowledge about lifestyle blogs.
I wish this 16 lifestyle blog categories list is useful for you. Grab a Bluehost hosting at a 60% discount and start your new blog.
- Read – 100+ Lifestyle blog names ideas.
- Read – 250 Lifestyle blog post ideas to write in your next blog post.
Don’t limit your lifestyle blog to a limited category
The lifestyle blog is where you can tell about anything from cooking to fashion. If you have a passion for anything, don’t quit or neglect.
Start writing your ideas, concepts, and advice to the peoples. This will help others,
You can also make from it, so don’t stop sharing your knowledge with the world.
The 15 lifestyle blog categories list is given for you to define the good deeds of lifestyle blogging.
Some may be in confusion, on choosing the right niche, then this lifestyle blog categories list will help them in choosing topics.
Moreover, I hope this all lifestyle blog categories list will attract you and also help you in some way.
Thank you for spending your precious time with us. If you find this article was helpful, kindly share it with others.
Did I miss any lifestyle blog categories list? comment below, so that other readers can also know it.