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How to Start a Lifestyle Blog in 10 steps (Make $3189)

Are you wondering how to start a lifestyle blog quickly and make it more profitable? Then this blog post is crafted for you.

There are over 600 million blogs in the world and over 2.5 billion blog posts are published each year. Which contributes to over 4800 blog posts each minute.

In the US alone, there are over 31 million bloggers active every month. These stats are looking quite interesting right.

After seeing these stats also, do you think it is difficult to start a lifestyle blog? 

Of course, everything on this is not a lifestyle blog. But lifestyle blogging also has its contribution in it.

So, I have created this quick guide to start a lifestyle blog. It contains 10 simple steps that start from selecting your lifestyle niche to monetizing your lifestyle blog. Here are some of the famous lifestyle bloggers to get inspired.

How to start a Lifestyle blog – Step by Step

How to start a lifestyle blog

Following these step-by-step methods to start a lifestyle blog, helps you to plan things properly and get a perfect start.

1. Choose a Lifestyle blogging niche

If you think that lifestyle blogging is a single topic, then it is wrong. Lifestyle blogging is a huge area to be covered. 

There are many categories under the lifestyle blog. Some lifestyle categories are 

  • Beauty hacks 
  • Health 
  • Fitness 
  • Parenting 
  • Personal care 
  • Gardening 
  • Travel
  • cooking
  • Home decor and many more.

So, choose any specific niche in the Lifestyle category. You can also choose a wider area of topics on your blog, but for beginners, it is not good to touch everything.

In your initial days, you have to be focused on a very specific niche. It gives you better reach and ranking. It also makes your website an authority in a specific niche.

So, it is very important to choose and focus on a specific niche to start a perfect lifestyle blog.

Factors to consider for choosing the Lifestyle niche

Whenever you are choosing the niche for your blogging, some little things need to be considered. It will have a great impact on the latter days.

  • Choose the niche that you are known or interested to learn. If not, then you will be exhausted quickly.
  • Does this selected niche has the scope and how its competition
  • Look out for some popular bloggers already present in that niche.
  • Does it have a wide variety of topics to be covered?
  • Will the selected lifestyle niche be monetizable or not and how much does it make?

Questioning more of yourself will help you to gather more information about it.

Monetizing is an important area to be considered. In these modern days, most of us start a blog to make money and not as a hobby.

It’s true because nowadays the blogging is a million-dollar business.

If you are not sure how to monetize your blog, then look out for your competitor’s sources of income. There are many bloggers, who are regularly publishing income reports. So you will get a general idea of their monetization methods.

Read – Different Lifestyle blog categories to choose

2. Choose the domain name

A domain name is a brand that everyone knows you. If you don’t know what a domain name is, then here is a little example.

For my website, “Foxblogging” is the domain name.

The website URL is “foxblogging.com”. 

So, like this above, every website will have its own domain name and site URL.

If you are confused about choosing the best domain name for a new blog. Then check these 120+ lifestyle domain name ideas to get inspired.

If you need more personal branding, then go with your name as a domain name. So, with this common domain name, you can cover up wide topics on your blogs.

Now, many lifestyle bloggers choose their names as domain names which also makes themselves a brand identity.

You can also look for any lifestyle niche-specific domain name.

For example, look at Tasty kitchen, it is a cooking-related blog. Their domain name resembles their blogging niche.

Read – 7 Best cooking blogs to follow

So, you can also choose the niche-based domain name or unique one common domain name.

Consider these three factors, when choosing the lifestyle blogging domain name.

  • Make your domain name to be short and unique.
  • The domain name should be easy to pronounce and memorable
  • Do not use hyphens and numbers on your domain name
  • Buy Top-level domain extension for targeting international traffic.

Getting a Top-level domain(TLD) extension is important. The domain extension is the thing that ads next to your domain name on the URL.

For example – on my website (foxblogging.com), .com is the domain extension.

Like this many top-level domain extensions are available like .org, .net, and many others. But getting a .com domain extension is a commonly accepted domain extension that most top brands use.

Create a list of words that you use to find the domain. Then use domain name generators like lean domain search to find new domain name ideas and availability.

Domain name generator

You can use the search bar to instantly find the availability of the domain you are looking for.

Once you have finalized your domain name for your lifestyle blog, then choose the blogging platform.

This below heading answers the question, where to start the lifestyle blog?

3. Choosing the lifestyle blogging platform

There are many free hosting providers and blogging platforms available. Some of the famous free website builders are WordPress.com, Blogger, Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace.

If you are just creating a website for a hobby and don’t want to make money and business out of it, then you can go with free website providers like Blogger or WordPress.com.

But for creating professional lifestyle blogging websites, WordPress is the best.

Don’t confuse WordPress.com and .org, WordPress.com is a free platform and WordPress.org is a self-hosting platform, which I will recommend. (Choosing WordPress.org is the best choice)

Read – Difference between WordPress.com and .org

Even Though there are many website builders available on the web. 

When it comes to blogging, WordPress is the top and it rules the industry. WordPress is the best website builder and content management system to use for your site.

WordPress website builder

Over 41% of websites on the web are powered by WordPress. WordPress serves 20 billion page views, 70 million new posts, and 77 million new comments each month.

If you think, 

It is because of its user-friendliness and large community. Every beginner, without knowing a single line of code, can create a website in 5 minutes. It is that much simpler.

So WordPress is the best platform to start your lifestyle blog.

Next, begin with starting a lifestyle blog.

You need to buy a domain and hosting for your lifestyle blog site.

4. Buy a domain and hosting

You have already chosen the domain name for your website. Then it is time to pick the perfect hosting for your WordPress site.

Read – Things to consider when buying a web hosting

There are different types of web hosting available like shared, VPS, dedicated, and cloud.

For beginners, shared hosting is the best. Once your site grows and traffic increases, then you can upgrade to higher plans.

With a few dollars per month, you will get a better web hosting for your lifestyle blogging website.

I suggest you get a Bluehost hosting. It is the best WordPress recommended hosting provider. Bluehost also gives you a 60% discount on hosting and free domain and SSL.

Bluehost hosting gives you a free domain name on all their plans. So you can save more with it. 

Choosing a standard hosting is important so that they give you better performance. If you bought any cheap and low-quality hosting, they may suffer from slower performance and higher uptime.

Fast loading websites can reduce your bounce rates and improve conversions. 

Follow these steps to buy a domain and hosting.

Step-1: Click this link, it will take you to the Bluehost landing page. There you can see the hosting plans.

Bluehost Hosting

Step-2: Click the plan based on your needs. But the basic plan is more than enough for beginners to get started. With this Bluehost link, you will get a 60% discount on hosting and a free domain.

Bluehost Prices

Step-3: on the next step, type the domain name you have sorted and click next.

Step-4: Choose the length of the plan you need. If you buy a 2 years or 3 years plan, then you will get more discounts. Then do the checkout.

Once the transaction is completed, Bluehost will ask you to create an account and password. Then it will take you to the step-by-step process to set up your website. 

Then you will visit the WordPress dashboard and your website is live now.

The next thing is to install suitable themes and plugins for your website.

5. Find and Pick the theme

There are over 50k WordPress themes available. It consists of both paid and free themes

Choosing a premium is a good investment for the long run. The free themes lack many features and also it has fewer updates.

Read – Free vs Premium WordPress themes

You can also choose any popular multipurpose themes, which allows you to create every type of website.

Know how to install a theme on WordPress.

Everyone likes different kinds of themes, but only a few best themes give you more flexibility, regular support, more documentation, and SEO optimization.

The theme should be SEO-optimized. The SEO-optimized themes will give you better search engine indexation and loads faster.

For lifestyle blogging, Divi is one of the perfect themes that give you a lot of styling and customization. Divi comes with an inbuilt page builder. With their easy drag and drop, you can perfectly design your websites.

So you don’t need to get any separate page builder plugins like Elementor and Beaver builder.

Read – Divi vs Elementor page builder

You can also look at the famous Astra and GeneratePress theme for your Lifestyle blog site. Sometimes, it may take time to find the perfect theme for a website. 

6. Picking the perfect plugins

Plugins are one of the important reasons why WordPress offers so much flexibility. For every added function, you will have a plugin on WordPress.

Read – How to install a WordPress plugin

WordPress has over 50k plugins and most of them are free to use. Adding more plugins will slow down your site.

So choose the limited number of WordPress plugins with maximum efficiency. Only use the plugins from trusted developers and plugin shops. 

Many bad coded plugins will highly affect your website’s performance and it causes insecurity. Only pick the plugins that are used and trusted by other marketers.

Here are some of the important WordPress plugins that improve your site.

  • Yoast SEO – It is the most trusted WordPress SEO plugin. It will highly help you to improve your On-page SEO, even if you are a beginner. It also has other features like sitemap and canonical URLs.
  • Social Snap – It helps to add social sharing buttons to your blog posts and pages. Highly improves your visitor’s engagement.
  • ShortPixel – It is an automatic image optimization plugin. Larger images will lead to slow loading pages, then highly affects your SEO. So this plugin will take care of image optimization.
  • Perfmatters – This plugin highly improves your website’s performance. It compresses the extra scripts, database optimization, lazy loading, and many others to improve your site speed.
  • Thrive Leads – This plugin helps you to convert your visitors to leads and customers for your business. 

Read – List of important WordPress plugins

7. SetUp your Lifestyle blog

Well, now your website is live, and setting up some things will make it professional.

Read – How to improve your website’s user experience

First, create some important pages on your blog. These pages are about, contact, privacy policy, and disclaimer.

About us – This page explains who you are and what your website is about. You can also write stories about yourself and stories behind your website. It gives high connectivity to your readers.

Contact – This page contains a simple contact form or some contact information to reach you. It helps your readers to reach you to pass or get any information.

Privacy policy – This page contains data about privacy. How do you use the data you collect from your readers and how do you use it?

Then design a logo by yourself and get it designed by any logo creators from Fiverr. With a few dollars, you can get a beautiful logo for your website.

Create and submit a sitemap to Google for better indexation of your website on search engines. Sometimes, new sites take some time to get indexed and show on search engines. 

So follow these things to index your blogs faster on search engines.

8. Start Publishing lifestyle blog

Once you set up and created those pages, then publishing your blogs is the next thing. Consistently publishing blogs is important to be more successful.

Regular writing practice helps you to write your blog posts faster. Here is 250+ lifestyle blog post ideas to write as your next blog post.

Writing quality blog posts is more important. On your initial days, take more time to craft your blogs and find your writing styles.

Writing a perfect blog takes a detailed process to make it better. Write different types of blogs to attract more readers and keep your audience engaged.

The next thing is Search Engine Optimization, which is called SEO. SEO helps you to rank higher in search engines. There are many search engines available, but Google is the only search engine most bloggers target.

To get more free traffic, search engines are the only best way. 

Initially, you have to learn On-Page SEO. On-page SEO helps you to optimize your blog posts for SEO.

If you want to learn more about SEO, then refer to these blogs below.

SEO Resources

Creating ideal lengthy blog posts is good for SEO. Do proper keyword research for writing better articles with semantic SEO

Use keyword research tools like Semrush to find easy ranking keywords and find profitable keywords.

>> Get Semrush free trial

9. Drive Traffic to a Lifestyle blog

For every type of blog, website, and businesses, the search engines (Organic traffic) are the important way to drive traffic.

But the organic traffic takes to drive traffic. It is because of the sandbox time, the new blogs take time to rank in search engines.

So you can use other methods to drive better traffic to your blogs. Here are 10+ methods to drive free traffic to your websites

For lifestyle blogs, Pinterest is one of the best ways to drive better traffic. Many famous lifestyle bloggers are driving over 100k monthly visits using Pinterest.

Pinterest is not like normal social media. It is a visual search engine platform, which can drive tons of traffic to your lifestyle blog.

Every blogger should repurpose the blog posts into different content to drive more traffic and engagement.

Email marketing is the best way to connect with your audience easily. Use the best email marketing services like ConvertKit and GetResponse for better emails.

Use best lead generation plugins like Thrive leads and Bloom for targeted leads and more conversion.

10. Monetizing Lifestyle blog

How to monetize my Lifestyle blog?

It is an important part of every blog and business. Making money is needed for every blog’s sustainability. So here are some of the important ways to monetize your lifestyle blog.

There are only a few major sources of income for bloggers.


If you are just starting in the online world, then AdSense is the best. You can easily apply for Google Adsense and get it approved.

Get this free ebook on getting Adsense approval in simple way.

Affiliate Marketing

It is the method of referring others products to your audience and getting commission from their sales. It is the most popular method among bloggers.

You can easily promote and recommend the products you are trusting and make money out of them.

Online course and ebooks

Sell your ebooks and online courses. You need to get some authority for selling your stuff.

These three are major monetizing methods for lifestyle blogging. Other than this you can also do paid newsletters, premium articles, and become a consultant.


These are the step-by-step processes to start a lifestyle blog and monetize it. Once you start with lifestyle blogging, you will find more ways to monetize it.

This blog post works as a template to start a lifestyle blog properly. Choose your lifestyle domain name carefully and always be consistent and passionate.

I hope this blog helps you to start a lifestyle blog. If you find this useful, kindly share it. If you have any suggestions and queries, then comment below.

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