121 Amazing lifestyle blog name ideas list + Availability checked 2025

Have you been confused about naming your new lifestyle blog? I have compiled a list of Lifestyle blog name ideas and also checked for the lifestyle domain name’s availability.

In Lifestyle blogging, the value of a lifestyle blog domain name is more important, therefore name your lifestyle website with the best lifestyle name ideas.

List of Lifestyle Blog domain name ideas

In this blog, I can help you come up with the list of best lifestyle blog name ideas, so you will get more inspiration to name your lifestyle blog. You can also check out 250+ Lifestyle blog post ideas to write as your next blog.

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The lifestyle blog has a tremendous reach among the people, likewise, they show immense love towards lifestyle blogs, and similarly, they admire the lifestyle blogs more. 

This 21st century is just amazing with new technologies and as humans, however, we all are living different lifestyles.

Therefore, as a lifestyle blogger, we need to give the best and healthy content for the people to reach a maximum audience for your lifestyle blogging.

Moreover, you need to have a good Lifestyle blog name then you can easily attract many people.

In contrast, as a blogger, many haves this question in their mind and at the same time this is a common problem for them, can you guess what I am talking about?

Yes, it’s all about choosing the best blog name ideas or new lifestyle blog name ideas.

Search for available blog names to buy (Check Domain name availability)

However, when bringing up the best Lifestyle blog name ideas many bloggers feel this is a major problem for them. If you have this worry in you, just throw it away from your mind.

We are here to give you an interesting and as well as excellent Lifestyle blog name ideas list for your lifestyle blogs to get yourself inspired.

Firstly, here we will give the answer to your questions like

  • How to know about Lifestyle blogging? 
  • Define the value of the lifestyle blog name?
  • What is the lifestyle blog name ideas list?

Let’s start our session without making further delay. Likewise, before entering the creative lifestyle blog ideas list, know what a Lifestyle blog is?

What is a Lifestyle blog?

The Lifestyle blog is your own way of living activities or one’s way of living life. (i.e. what you do in your daily routine life) .

It may be any activities like your healthy recipes, fitness exercises, or it may be your Makeup hacks or even it may be your romantic love. Whatever it may be, it all about your hacks/tactics and ideas about your life.

Writing a blog about lifestyle is called a lifestyle blog.

To bring out the Lifestyle blog name ideas, know how to choose the Lifestyle blog name ideas for your blog, certainly, you will develop the best Lifestyle blog domain, and so on.

Finding out and choosing the best & perfect blog name for our blogging domain is very, very important. Check out the must-do investment for starting a professional blog.

Why is the lifestyle blog name important?

Your question is reasonable. We all have a plan to start a lifestyle blog domain, but we remain blank when choosing blog name ideas for Lifestyle blog sites.

choosing the best blog name for your blog only will help you stand unique from others and similarly make you succeed.

This blog provides a list of lifestyle blog name ideas for you, therefore use this efficiently for your domain name.

How to choose a Lifestyle blog name?

When you are choosing a lifestyle blog name for your blog site, the first and foremost thing you have to keep in mind is that, choosing a unique name for the website.

Choosing a unique name is the important thing. But your lifestyle blog name should not differ from your blog niche (the name should be relative to your blog niche).

For example:

If your Lifestyle blog is about cooking, you can name your blog as a cook shake, cook with me, something like this.

The lifestyle blog name should be both personal and related to your niche.

If you name your cooking blog as a fashion spot. Does it make any sense? It does not relate with your blog name, think well after that choose the best blog name relative to each other.

Here is a list of some different types of blog topics you can cover in lifestyle blogs.

What are the Lifestyle blog topic ideas that you can write about in your Lifestyle blog domain?

You can write about 

  • Fashion  
  • Wedding
  • Lifestyle
  • DIY& crafts
  • Mom’s blog
  • Health & family
  • Photography & Income
  • Home decors
  • Cooking and food
  • Lifestyle hacks
  • Parenting blogs 

You can write anything you want as well as what you wish to write in your lifestyle blog domain name. Likewise, the above list of blog name ideas is to bring out your talent, knowledge similarly to the experience you learned in your life.

Most importantly, we are giving you various Lifestyle blog posts and blog name ideas/suggestions. Here is how to start a micro niche blog.

Know your audience’s mind as a lifestyle blogger

The audience is important for the growth of the blog, in contrast, there are different Lifestyle blog name suggestions are there for you.

Most importantly, knowing the audience’s mind is necessary for lifestyle blogging and similarly naming a blog.

If you are ready to write a blog about the Lifestyle or if you have existing Lifestyle blog ideas for the Lifestyle blog domain, whatever it could be, but you need to focus on the audience. Because you will get free traffic only when you have a larger audience base for your lifestyle blog site.

First, you want to prepare the content that people are longing for, and at the same time, in your lifestyle blog domain write a blog post that would solve the people’s problem.

It helps your readers to completely engage with you.

Like other blogs, lifestyle blogs are not the same while lifestyle blogs have more attachment to the readers. We can also say, readers’ relationship is one of the main things in lifestyle blogs.

How to promote your brand on Lifestyle blogs

Promoting your brand on Lifestyle blogs is one of the other perks for you. Write different types of blog posts.

Likewise, If you have any brand or products, then you can easily promote them in your Lifestyle blog name, and why not, however, you can also write a blog about your product in your Lifestyle blog.

The most important thing you have to keep one thing in your mind is that your brand should relate to your blog domain name/niche.

Similarly, if you promote a brand that does not relate to or does not match your lifestyle blog name, then your domain name will not hit the rank you think of.

Many people are doing blogging to promote their brand, therefore similarly, you can also start a lifestyle blog and create content for your brand. products.

Brainstorming in Lifestyle blogging

When we start our blog,  we may have some ideas in our mind, it may be anything like health, hobbies, home hacks, and so on.

Meanwhile, how many of us are applying our thoughts into action- (have to think)

Even Though you all have wonderful knowledge and thinking capacity, some may hesitate to apply the ideas to actions.

Brainstorming is the perfect way of bringing your words/thoughts into action, likewise, it will be helpful for your lifestyle blogging or any blogs.

We suggest that you write as a note of whatever you think to write in your lifestyle blog, simultaneously, share and discuss with your fellow bloggers and friends, you will get some knowledge (new ideas) & it will be a brainstorm for you.

Make your name as a brand

Do you know, there are many successful and famous bloggers in the lifestyle niche?

Do you wish to become one, don’t worry you will get clear ideas? However, If you are still at confusion or don’t get the unique catchy lifestyle blog name ideas for your blog.

Why don’t you use your name as a lifestyle name for your blogging domain?

There is nothing wrong with keeping your name as a blog name for your lifestyle blog domain.

However, this will be helpful for promoting your brand in your name, likewise, you will get fame, therefore, this will be a great way to promote your name among people.

For instance: You may all know that nomadic Matt has reached many audiences through his blog, now his name is a brand for him.

Therefore, write your blog effectively and efficiently therefore your Lifestyle blog domain name will hit easily in the SEO ranking and as well as among the audience.

Thesaurus for naming a lifestyle blog

Thesaurus is more than like my companion, as well as this is the best way for finding more and more words.

On the other hand, this is just like a gift, moreover, if you don’t know about thesaurus.com, just use the thesaurus, then you know why I am excited when telling you about this term.

If you have any words (ideas) in your mind, then enter the words in the search bar and search for them, then you get a relative word related to your ideas.

Check the availability of words

Before setting up the name for your domain blog, check whether the name is available or already bought by someone.

Firstly, we prefer the Bluehost search option, so you can find whether a domain name is available.

Try to choose the .com extension for your domain name.

Instead of using (.Blog, .Space, .Site) something like this, use your lifestyle blog name +.com has a great power of reaching more people.

.com domain is considered as a top-level domain. I personally prefer you only go for the .com domain.

Different lifestyle blog names list

Best lifestyle blog name ideas list for you

If you are ready to write about the Lifestyle blog Post topics, then how will you name your blog, here the list of lifestyle blog name ideas and we have checked its availability for you. They are,

Lifestyle blog name ideas list

Blog nameAvailability
Lifestyle MantleLifestylemantle.com is available
Lifestyle ArticLifestyleartic.com is available
Dyna lifestyleDynalifestyle.com is available
Ladybug Lifestyle Ladybuglifestyle .com is available
Lifestyle hutLifestylehut .com is available
elytsefilElytsefil.com is available
Lifestyle webLifestyle web.com is available
iLifestyleiLifestyle.com is available
Think eco-lifestyle Thinkecolifestyle.com is available
Loyal lifestyleLoyallifestyle.com is available

The above Lifestyle blog name ideas list is available but this is not a permanent space, anybody can buy it. So get inspired from the blog name ideas and buy yours. I have chosen only the .com domain extensions, which is a Top-level domain (TLD) that suits everyone.

You can get these available domain names

Fashion lifestyle blog name ideas list 

Blog namesAvailability
The fashion-home Thefashionhome.com is available
web fashion styleWebfashionstyle.com is available
Fashion Dune FashionDune .com is available
Fashion AlaskaFashionAlaska.com is available
Club fashionproClubfashionpro.com is available
Touch down fashionTouchdownfashion.com is available
DevotestyleDevotestyle.com is available
My clothing fabricsMyclothingfabrics.com is available
Art boutiqueArt boutique.com is available
Hey dude fashionHeydudefashion is available
Adapt Shoes Adaptshoes.com is available

Fitness & lifestyle blog name ideas list

Blog names  availability
Hosh fitnessHoshfitness.com is available
Off fashion styleOfffashionStyle.com is available
Fitness frostFitnessfrost.net is available
fitqueFitque.net is available
Net fashion styleNetfashionStyle.com is available
The daily fitness lifestyleThedailyfitnesslifestyle .com is available
Cha- cha fitnessCha-cha-fitness .com is available
The daily exercises Thedailyexercises.com is available
Bugsyoga Bugsyoga.com is available

 The above ideas are about the fitness lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Cooking blog domain name ideas list

 The above ideas are about the cooking lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Blog name ideasavailability
cookingetCookinget.com is available
buzz cookingbuzzcooking.com is available
Cooking boltCookingbolt.com is available
CookpulseCookpulse.com is available
wavecookWavecook.com is available
sunshine cookShinecook.com is available
The daily recipesThedailyrecepies.com is available
Soulmate Cooking SoulmateCooking .com is available
Azure Cook Auzurecook.com is available
pop recipesPoprecipes.com is available
Home & decors lifestyle blog name ideas list
Blog name ideasAvailability
Home lifestyle webHomelifestyleweb.com is available
Decors ValliDecorsValli.com is available
Home SpatHomeSpat.com is available
Decors DaisyDecors Daisy.com is available
Home frillHome frill .com is available
Emergence HomeEmergencehome.com is available
Opacity homeOpacityhome.com is available
Bugsy homeBugsyhome.com is available
Hubble cleanHubbleclean.com is available

 The above ideas are about the home & decor lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Parenting blog name ideas list
Blog name ideasAvailability
Parentigparentig.com is available
Web Parenting blogWebparenting blog.com is available
Net Parenting blogNetParenting blog.com is available
Pretty parentingPrettyparenting .com is available

 The above ideas are about the fitness parenting blog name ideas list and domain names to buy now.

Mom lifestyle blog name ideas list

Blog name ideasAvailability
Mom Blog OnlineMomblogonline.com is available
Best Mom blogBestMomblog.com is available
Mom blog landMomblogland .com is available
Mom LifewebMomlifeweb.com is available
The daily momcare Thedailymomcare.com is available
Mom Kidsnet Momkidsnet.com is available
Modern Motherhood Modernmotherhood.com is available

 The above ideas are about the mom lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Travel lifestyle blog name ideas list

Blog name ideasAvailability
Vinyl TravelVinyltravel.com is available
New travel fashionNewtravelfashion.com is available
Time  travel styleTimetravel Style.com is available
Travel FunartTravelfunart.com is available
Travel theirTraveltheir.com is available
Sawdust TravelSawdustTravel.com is available
Travel adventure cloud TraveladventureCloud.com is available
Web ship Travel Webshiptravel.com is available
The mystery travelThemysterytravel.com is available
Lakes travelogLakestravelog.com is available

 The above ideas are about the travel & lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Photography Lifestyle blog name ideas list
Blog name ideasAvailability
Innovate photoInnovatephoto
pink photosPinkphotos.com is available
trendshootpicsTrendshootpics.com is available
her PhotoblogHerPhotoblog.com is available
RoadmanphotoRoadmanphoto.com is available
Tech photoshootTechphotoshoot.com is available
The daily photographyThedailyphotography.com is available
Photography lazaPhotographylaza.com is available
Empire PhotoblogEmpirePhotoblog.com is available
Divine grapyDivinegraphy.com is available
Gardening lifestyle blog name generators
Blog name ideas listavailability
My garden yardsMygardenyards .com is available
GardenladaGardenlada.com is available
Bliss GardeningBlissGardening.com is available
Garden OozeGardenooze.com is available
herb garden lifeHerbgardenlife.com is available
Flores greenFloresgreen.com is available
gleenatureGleenature.com is available
Gardens gardenGardensgarden.com is available
Fauna greenFaunagreen.com is available

 The above ideas are about the gardening lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Relationship lifestyle blog name ideas list
Blog name ideasAvailability 
picture love lifePicturelovelife.com is available
MyrelatiobondMyrelationbond.com is available
Search wedding love searchweddinglove.com is available
utopia loveUtopialove.com is available
Bless siblingsBlesssiblings.com is available
Bloom relationBloomrelation.com  is available
Art relationshipArtrelationship.com is available
siblings love shopSiblingsloveshop.com is available
Family bond netFamilybondnet.com is available
momslovetechMomlovestech.com is available

 The above ideas are about the Relationship lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Music lifestyle blog name ideas list
Blog name ideasAvailability 
music spriteMusicsprite.com is available
Linen musicLinenmusic .com is available
musiclivenetMusiclivenet.com is available
shop melody musicsShopmelodymusics.com is available
Milk butter musicMilkbuttermusic.com is available
semusicalsongsSemusicalsongs.com is available
FlashmusicsFlashmusic.com is available
Talkline songsTalklinesongs.com is available
Lovely music cloudLovelymusicCloud.com is available
Mass jazz musicMassjazzmusic.com is available

 The above ideas are about the music lifestyle blog name ideas list if you like anyone buys it soon.

Blog name ideasAvailability
The daily life hacksThedailylifehacks.com is available
lifehacksopolisLifehacksopolis.com is available
Miss lifehacksMisslifehacks.com is available
Grow life hacksGrowlifehacks.com is available
my hacks lifeMyhacksinlife.com is available

The above list of lifestyle blog post ideas is available now and in contrast, it will move out of the cart if anyone makes a purchase.

Therefore, if you like any lifestyle blog name ideas, buy them soon, moreover gave you the .com domain names for you

Otherwise, if you have your own ideas in mind, you can also use the blog name ideas generator for your blog.

Best blog domain name generators for websites

There are many generators are there for you however, if you are struggling to name your blogs like lifestyle or any blog name, how will you choose the best name for your lifestyle blog domain?

The list of blog name generators for your lifestyle blog is available, as well as it will help you to choose the best names.

What is mean by blog name generator?

The blog name generator is the tool for helping you to generate the best blog name ideas for your blog, likewise, these tools will bring you more and more ideas. Therefore you can easily generate a unique and catchy blog name for your blog.

The best Lifestyle blog name generator tools for you

  • Domain.com 
  • Domain wheel
  • Lean Domain Search
  • Panabee
  • Name boy


Domain name Generator

The Domain.com is the blog name generator, likewise, it is the best option for you to choose the blog name for your domain.

Simultaneously, It has plenty and plenty of blog names for you, therefore you can choose the best name you need.

To search for a blog name, place your keyword in the search bar then it will show you the domain names with a price.

Lifestyle blog domain name creator

The lean domain search is run over by WordPress.com. First, enter your keyword in the search bar and get the best results quickly.

Pick the name and find whether it is available after that choose the one that suits your Lifestyle blog name.

Domain wheel

Best Domain name generators for website

The Domain wheel is also the blog name generator, in this tool you can enter your lifestyle blog name ideas and after that search the blog name, you will get your best blog domain name definitely here.


Search for available domain names

The Panabee, actually it is a suitable tool, likewise, it is also the best choice. You can find out your blog name ideas for your lifestyle blog.

You can also find out if your chosen blog name is available.

Likewise, other blogs also have premium and free domain names.


Get blog domain name Ideas

The Name boy is simple and fast, likewise, where you can find your blog name from this blog name generator.

This is a blog name generator-powered under Bluehost. moreover, in this generator, you can get the bundle of blog name ideas, and then you can also check the availability.

What are the perfect hosting options for buying the best blog domain name?

Register your domain names in the best company, more certainly, don’t buy a domain from cheap sites, after that choose the best domain for you from sites like 

All domain names have different domain offers and strategies, therefore you need to look at the first and then choose the best. Sometimes you can get many offers from specific companies.

When you register your domain for more than one year, your cost could be saved.

Therefore some may give it a discounted price for one year. Moreover, you can renew your domain period regularly for a year.

You can also get your domain from the Godaddy website.

But you have a problem with GoDaddy. Their first-year domain cost was less but their renewal cost was high. I have seen that many bloggers said that, Godaddy domain renewal cost could be 2x to 3x of the first-year cost.

So be careful when buying with websites, which give the first year domain at a discounted price.

Once you make a purchase from any domain, they will register your name, therefore others cannot buy your name.

I guess, now you are ready to buy a domain for your blog after that start your blog, WordPress provides you the best hosting providers for your sites.

(This article contains affiliate links, which means, we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you when you make it useful.)

FAQ on lifestyle blog names

1. How do you name a lifestyle blog?

Read from many resources like book magazines, articles
Pick the best name for you from the thesaurus & dictionary
Bring out the catchy blog name
You can also use your name for your Lifestyle blog
Use a short and sweet name for your blog

2. What is the best blog name generator tool?

Domain wheel
Name boy
Domain wheel
Lean domain search

3. What should I name my beauty blog?

You can name your beauty blog with your ideas and likewise, you can use your name for your blog, we give you some blog name idea suggestions for you.
Beauty baroon.com
Always check the name of your blog is short and sweet and as well as the availability, price, before buying it for your blog domain.

4. How do I create a unique username?

When you use your pet/nickname, then it needs to be unique as well as check if there is an existing site in your name, likewise can use your ideas in your mind, and even your daily hobbies.
However, this all will help you create a unique name, you certainly, have to keep one thing in your mind is that check the availability of your ideas/blog name after that fix it for your domain.


Finally, I conclude that the naming of your lifestyle blog is your opinion, likewise, the success of the blog depends on your interest to learn.

Finally, I hope this article will help you learn how to name your blog, how to choose the domain name, and simultaneously, all the essential stuff you need.

Thank you for spending your precious time with us. If you find this article helpful please kindly, share it with others.

If you feel that I have missed any topics related to lifestyle blog name ideas, kindly comment in the comment box, or send your queries to my mailbox.

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