15+ creative ways to repurpose your blog post to boost traffic

Do you repurpose your blog post to get more audiences to your brand website?

You have written great content by investing more time in it. But by publishing it only on your website alone doesn’t give more attention.

Repurpose your blog post into different content

So you need some worth for the time you invested in writing quality blog posts. Then is the time to repurpose your blog post.

What is the repurpose of the blog post?

Repurposing the blog content is reusing your great blog posts into many pieces of content, which matches for different platforms.

Blog post Repurpose is like repacking your content into different forms to get more attention to it.

Do you have more great blog posts, then repurpose it.

What is the reason to repurpose your blog post into different types of content?

There are many benefits to repurpose your blog posts.

  1. To get organic traffic – By doing repurpose your will blog will get more traffic from various resources.
  2. A different way of presenting – Repurposing your blog content to different types helps to attract readers to gain attention. Some readers don’t love to read plain texts. So you need to make the information more comfortable for them.
  3. Reach potential audience – Already having a blog post, so repurpose it to gain a different set of potential audiences towards your brand.
  4. Content marketing – Repurpose the blog post helps to improve content marketing efficiency. Plain text is not only content, but you can also present in many other forms too.
  5. Save time – Repurpose helps to reduce writing new articles every day. So you can get more conversion with already available resources.

These are some of the main reasons why everyone wants to repurpose your blog posts.

In the modern-day, 500 words articles don’t perform as well as in the olden years. So we have to write a long, high-quality blog post.

Then you are spending more time writing every single article, but its usage is only as a blog post on your website.

It is not fair.

So you need to increase the lifetime of your every article. You don’t get to use the same content everywhere, but edit it based on the platform you are using.

Lets, start to repurpose your first blog post.

Which type of blog content suitable for repurposing

One blog post can repurpose into over 100 different types of content.

But certain types of content are more suitable to repurpose your blog post.

If you are ready to repurpose your blog post, then look back at the blogs on your website.

Choose more suitable articles. A suitable blog to repurpose is blogs that have more information.

The evergreen blog posts are more suitable to repurpose. The evergreen articles are found by the quality it attracts the readers.

How to repurpose your blog post

Different content types - illustration

There are many simple ways in which you can repack your blog content into different content. choose the best suitable method to repurpose your blog post.

Quick ways to repurpose your blog content

Medium platform to write blog content


Medium.com is a bit like a blogging platform. It allows you to publish your blog post on their platform.

Medium has over 60 million users. Creating and setting up an account in the medium is easy, so you can easily create it.

It is also completely free of cost for publishing your blog post. So it is one of the best places to repurpose your blog posts and find your potential audience.

Do some editing and publish your older blog posts in the medium.

You can create a new set of audiences for your articles in the medium. You can redirect that audience to your main blog posts, to gain visitors. 

By creating a loyal audience helps you to make more conversions. 

Make as infographics

Convert your great blog posts as infographics. Infographics are great visuals to attract people.

You don’t need more skills to create infographics. The designing websites like Canva and Venngage made our designing process easier.

Canva already has more templates, from which you can choose based on your needs. So you can just as easily edit it.

Canva is also free software, more suitable for beginners. In 20 to 30 minutes you can create good infographics from Canva.

Repurpose your blog post into infographics is also easy and quick, it also has more SEO benefits.

Make as PDF

Repurpose your blog post to PDF

Repurpose your longer blog posts as PDF. You can also see this on many websites.

They have some downloadable PDFs of the important blog posts. 

If you are writing any step-by-step guide to do a thing, then this works better. You can also have a downloadable format of pdf in the blog post itself.

Make it as a guide

Combine your few blog posts into larger guides. The guides are usually larger blog posts, which cover very in-depth on that particular topic.

I have many smaller topics in one category, then combine them to make it a guide.

For example – if you have many guides related to SEO, then combine it to make it an “Ultimate Guide to SEO”. 

By changing your older articles a little differently, you can combine and make a good one-stop guide. You can also keep this guide as a pillar article and link out to other related articles in that category.

Repurpose the blog to Ebook

repack the blog posts to ebook

Ebooks are powerful lead magnets. You can use these ebooks to gain email subscribers.

Give this ebook as a freebie in exchange for an email address. In recent times, the ebook is one of the effective ways to convert your visitors to your email subscribers.

So you can repurpose your blog post to your suitable ebooks. Some people think that ebooks need to belong and should contain hundreds of pages. But that doesn’t need it.

With only a few pages, you can create ebooks. Design a beautiful ebook cover to attract readers.

Youtube video

Repurpose your blog post as youtube video

Repurpose your blog posts as YouTube videos. You have seen that many blog pages have embedded YouTube videos.

You can create your YouTube channels and make your every blog post as a separate video.

Some people love to consume video type of content over text, so try these.

It also helps to reach several audiences. When you place these embedded videos in your blogs, it helps your readers to stay more time on your blogs.

It increases your session time and helps to reduce the bounce rate.

You can also make 10 to 20 videos from related topics and make it as a course. You can also offer this course as a free or paid course. 

It helps to show your expertness in that field. Once you repurposed your blog post to video, you can use it on different platforms.

Here is another benefit you get when you repurpose your blog post into videos.


IGTV is an Instagram video. You can also post your videos on IG. If you have a 20-minute video, then you can cut it into a few smaller videos.

You can cut the important one or two minutes from that video and post it on IGTV.

The people using social media like to view small bite-sized videos. So you can attract them through your videos.

Instagram post and stories

Instagram has over one billion monthly users worldwide, which makes it one of the most popular social media platforms.

IG is mostly used by young people because it is completely a photo-sharing software.

Instagram says that 83% of its users find new products and new services, and it also helps them to decide whether to buy a product. Source

Instagram user stats

These stats show why you have to establish your business on Instagram. So you need not find content for Instagram.

Use your videos in stories and repurpose your blog post as images. Use the description to write your content. 

Just copy and paste the important content from your blog post in the description.

It helps people to stay more time in your profile. If people spend more time in your profile, then your profile organic reach will be better on Instagram.


Repurpose your blog content to podcast

The podcast is nothing but an audio file. You can repurpose your blog post into an audio file.

If you are not comfortable talking in front of the camera, then make it as podcasts.

In recent years, only podcasts are getting more popular. Many influencers are running their podcasts. So you can also make your blog posts as a series of podcast episodes.

You can place your audio file on blog pages as well. By repurposing your blog posts into podcasts, you can improve your speaking skills too.

It will make you more confident in speaking and never run out of content ideas.

Spinoff your blog posts

Spin-offs are like changing your content with some variations and using it for different purposes.

You should not use the spin-off articles again in your blogs, it decreases your reader’s trust. But there are some other places where you can use it.

Let’s look at some places to use your spinoff articles for repurposing.


Quora is a question-and-answer website. Here you can get answers to your questions and answer other questions as well.

You can easily find the questions that are related to your blog posts and answer them. 

If you search for questions related to your blog post, then you will be shown with questions that are asked by others.

Then you can write answers as long as you need it. You can also copy important points from your old blog and paste it as an answer. For more detailed answers, you can also link your blog post.

These are also one of the best ways to repurpose your blog post and the best way of promoting it.

Read – Quick ways to promote your new blog post.


Republish blog post in LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not like other social media platforms, it is the place where many professional hangouts.

It helps you to create a good relationship with other experts in your field. It is also one of the best places to show your expertness.

LinkedIn allows you to publish your articles on their platform. You can take your evergreen articles and rewrite them there. Like other social media platforms, you can create images related to your blog posts.

It also allows you to share your blog posts. But more than sharing, if you publish your article on LinkedIn, it gives more value.

So you can repurpose your blog post on LinkedIn. 

Send newsletter series

Turn your evergreen articles into a series of email newsletters. Turn evergreen blog posts as newsletter series.

For example – If you have a guide to start a blog, then you can also create a series like “start a blog”, which has 7 days of content regularly sent to your subscribers.

Normally email helps to create a bond with your audience. Through these email magnets, you can create a more loyal audience for your business.

With the help of repurposing your blog post, you need not spend more time in creating email courses to attract new subscribers.


Save blogs in pinterest

If you use Pinterest, then it’s awesome. If you are not using it, then you are missing thousands of visitors to your website.

Pinterest is still strange to some bloggers, and it is not more used by bloggers like Facebook and Twitter.

Pinterest is a powerful image search engine, which can drive you thousands of traffic to your blogs.

You can turn your content into images as pins. You can also create longer images like infographics by using data from your blogs. 

Pin those images and link back to your blog post. If you start using it, within a little amount of time you can get a good amount of traffic.

Repurpose your blog post as better graphic images, which performs better on Pinterest.

Repurpose your blog post to PPT

Turn your blogs as PPT. collecting information from your blog and converting it to presentation slides.

Place your original blog post link in the presentation slides.

There are many PPT submission sites available, where you can upload your PPT.

Submit your PPT in high domain authority websites. Some famous PPT submission sites are Slideshare.net, scribd.com, slideworld.com, and many more.

Do guest posting

There are many forums and websites where you can do the guest posting. 

Write the guest post on a similar topic of your evergreen blog, but with little different content. You have already written a blog, so you have more knowledge on that topic.

There are many websites where you can contribute to your guest post. Submit your guest post to your relevant websites.

Conduct free webinars

Turn your great content into a webinar. Webinars do not always need too long. You can give a good webinar for 30 to 60 minutes, which is more than enough.

Just explain your content with some great examples. For example – For beginners, you can run a webinar for “how to do a perfect SEO for blogs”.

Just a 20 minutes webinar is also good. It helps to create a more good relationship with your readers. Weekly once just create a 20 minutes webinars, which explains any of your evergreen blogs.

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is taking one set of content and converting it into different content types. Repurposing one content into a different content format, that is suitable for that particular platform.

The main reason to repurpose your blog post?

By repurpose your blog post, you can attract a different set of audiences, increase your organic traffic, more popularize your brand, and increase your productivity by blogging less.

Wrap up the blog

There are still many ways through which you can repurpose your single blog post into 100+ pieces of content.

Everything is not suitable for all types of content. So try to repurpose your blog post and find which suits you better.

Once you learn to repurpose your blog post, you don’t need to speed more time creating new content every day.

By following the proper repurpose of your blog post, with a limited amount of blog content, you can reach more audiences.

By doing your repurpose, you can create more backlinks and drive different types of potential audiences to your business.

These are also one of the ways of effective content marketing techniques.

You need not repurpose all your blog posts, but choose which blog posts are more liked by people.

Go to websites like yourstory.com, which allows you to publish your articles. These are some places where many experts write content to show their business to the world. You can also contribute your articles and show your brand to the world.

Thank you for spending your valuable time reading this article. If you find this article useful, kindly share it.

Do you use any other effective way to repurpose your blog posts to different content? Which repurposing method works better for you better. Comment below.

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