10 Important pages every blog should have (5 must-haves)

If you started a new website, then create these important pages in your blog to make it more professional.

Usually, pages on websites help you to add information to your website without disturbing the blogs.

Important must have pages in blog website

When it comes to blogging, important pages are basic and essential to convey important information to the readers.

The need for important and must-have pages in wordpress blog

Whenever the beginners start their new website, they just go on publishing new blogs, without creating some important blog pages.

When I started my first blog, I just created a website and published 20 articles in 2 months. I send this to google AdSense approval, without having any important pages in my blog.

My AdSense approval simply got rejected. At that time, I had no clue why my approval was rejected and my only aim as a beginner is to get the approval.

After my Adsense approval got rejected, I searched for the reasons. 

Then I find that important pages are missing in my blog.

Sometimes, without these important pages, your website will be getting into a penalty. So, it’s important to have these blog pages.

If you are monetizing your blog with Adsense or affiliate marketing, then your blog will not be approved most of the time, without these important pages.

WordPress has pages and posts to create content. 

Posts are created to write blogs and pages are also used to create content, but that doesn’t disturb your regular blog.

Benefits of having these pages on the website

  1. Makes your blog more professional
  2. Helps to increase your monetization methods
  3. Create better trust with your readers
  4. Helps to increase the conversion rate
  5. Build your customers list
  6. Make navigation easy for users

I have divided these important pages into categories. One category has must-have pages for every blog and the other based on your blog type.

Must have pages in your blog

These are the important pages that must-have in your blog.

About page

It is one of the important pages on every website. Your blog site also needs an ‘About me’ or ‘About us’ page.

Foxblogging about page - Manoj kumar

The content on the page is based on your website. If it was a personal blog tell about yourself or for the brand, say about your brand.

Check out my about page.

If any new visitor comes to your blog and wants to know about your blog, then the visitor will navigate to the about page.

On the about page, you can mention your website, your mission and vision, and more about yourself.

About page is one of the important areas to create the reader’s trust.

You can also add the specialties about your website. Add some testimonials. 

Attach some important pages on your about page.

Privacy policy page

The privacy policy page contains information related to how the website handles its users’ information.

It shows how the website and its third-party user use the visitor’s information.

Even if you are not collecting any personal data from your users, some third tools will collect the cookies from your users.

Google also has insisted every =one to mention their cookie collection policy on websites.

Check out how Google uses cookies in its ad network. If you are using any ads on your website, then you must add these privacy policy pages to your blog.

Creating a privacy policy is very easy. You can use privacy policy generator tools to easily create a privacy policy for your website.

Sometimes the privacy policy may different for the countries you are living, So the privacy policy generators will help you.

It is also one of the important must have pages in the blog.

Check out our privacy policy page.

Disclaimer Page

If you have monetized your blog then, this page is important. This page explains how you are making money and what is a cause for the readers.

If you have monetized your blog with affiliate products, then insist your affiliate that this affiliate link.

It should explain what happens to them when they click those links. 

Even if you monetize your blog or not, always have these important pages.

You can also look at the Foxblogging disclaimer page.

Contact page

Contact us icon

The contact page is also one of the important pages you should have on your blog.

If someone is coming to your blog and somehow wants to reach, then this contact page will be helpful.

Contact page contains a simple contact form. The users will fill the form and you will get their message delivered to your inbox.

Then you can contact them for further things. 

If any advertisers or business professionals need to contact you, then this could be the first source to contact you.

More than the contact form, you can also include some other things like email addresses or contact numbers for better convenience.

You can also look at the Foxblogging contact page. In wordpress, use any contact form plugins to quickly create them easily.

Terms and conditions page

terms and conditions pages

Not every blogging website needs this terms and conditions page. But if you are a bigger brand or running an eCommerce store, then have this page.

If you are providing any services, then have this. They say it as terms of service page.

Having a proper terms page will help you in case of misunderstanding the information on your websites. It also helps to protect your copyright.

I’m not more familiar with creating terms page, so when creating do it properly. Get some proper help and create your terms page carefully.

Analyse every aspect and mention the issues and information on that page.

It is also an important page from a business point of view.

Some other important pages to make your blog professional blog

These other important pages are useful when your blog is in growing stages.

Media kit page

The Media kit page is for advertisers. This page is used to attract advertisers to run ads on your site.

If any advertiser visited your page and if he wants to know your website’s capability to reach the audience, then this page will help them.

The media kit page simply contains the total number of visitors your blog has, your social media followers, your subscribers.

You have also included your message to the advertisers in this page. What type of advertisers are you looking for and your conditions.

It will help the advertisers to decide.

Resource page

Resource page contains the tools and other things which help to run your blog successfully.

This page is one of the most visited pages on your website.

It got popular because your audience will want to know the products and tools you are using to website better. Some readers will love to buy the same product you are using.

So this page will be useful. More than that, it is also one of the important ways to monetize your blog. You can include the affiliate links in the products you are suggesting. This makes the resource pages more important.

Work with me page

If you are a freelancer or doing any individual services to the websites or business peoples, then this is more important.

This is also known as the “Hire me” page. This page has your expertise and services you are providing.

For example, you have seen that many lifestyle bloggers provide “Pinterest VA” services. They will have their hire me page.

If you are also good at something, then create a hire me page and do consultation or project with your clients.

Write for us

If you are a blogger, then most probably you heard this page. If any other blogger is willing to write a blog on your website, then it contains the list of rules and regulations.

Sometimes you are also hiring any extra author for your website, then this blog helps them to satisfy your needs for writing an article.

It is also helpful for guest authors, who are willing to contribute the article to your website.

Create 404 page

404 page is shown when users search for unavailable pages.

In the case of wordpress, it automatically creates an empty 404 page. 

404 error pages in wordpress site

Normally 404 pages will be a blank page. 

But if you are using any ecommerce website, and users search for any unavailable product, then you don’t need to show any blank page to the user.

It looks like an end of the user search, so you have to customize the 404 page with some related links. It helps the users to navigate through related pages.

Wrap up

These are some important pages that every blog should have. These important pages will improve your website and show your professionalism.

Privacy policy, disclaimer and about are more important pages that every blog website should have.

Proper use of the pages also improves your blog’s monetisation.

I hope these important pages will help you improve your blog. Thank you for reading this article. If you find this useful, kindly share it with others.

Do you use any other important pages in your blog or did I miss any must have a page in this blog? Comment below.

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